Approved meeting minutes 2021

2021 January



Present:       Councillor: T.W. Adair (Chairman)

Councillors: A. Badger, G. Cooper, E. Levin, L.J. Pickford, D. Whysall.

In attendance: Mrs J. James Clerk to the Council

Borough Councillor B Walsh

2021/1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received to the Chair from Councillor Goy however not picked up in time to report at the meeting.

2021/2 Public Question Time

One member of the public attended, she raised concerns over the speed of traffic on Wood Lane to which the Chairman agreed to note and take forward with S.Y. Police and also expressed an interest in proposals for the land r/o Wood Lane to which the Chairman explained that there had been engagement with the community however COVID had impacted on further progress and that the matter was an item on the agenda.

2021/3 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

2021/4 Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 14th December were taken as read, copies having been circulated to all members of the Parish Council previously and with the agenda.

Resolved:      That the minutes are approved and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Cooper

2021/5 Matters Arising

2020/59 c)    Replacement memorial plaque to Pilot Officer Douglas Edwards. In response to a request from the Clerk for feedback on the sketch for the memorial the design and wording was agreed. She reported that she was awaiting quotes and a sample of the brass coated acrylic material before proceeding further.

2020/125 c)  Councillor Cooper raised the matter further cutting back the cherry trees that boundary the burial ground with the highway and it was agreed that the Clerk should seek quotes to reduce their breadth inside the burial ground further

2020/128       Councillor Whysall raised the matter of proposals for a wildflower meadow/public open space at the r/o Wood Lane in particular budget and the impact of self-seeding on neighbouring property.

The Chairman confirmed that no budget has been agreed, that he has secured support from Waverley and received a number of suggestions from local residents.  The next step is to meet with interested parties to discuss ideas, address any conflicting suggestions and preferences, for example inclusion of seating, and agree the detail of the project within the envelope of wildflower meadow/public open space however that COVID restrictions prohibit this at present and so frustratingly the whole project is on pause.

2021/6 Clerk’s Report & Correspondence Received

The Clerk’s report previously circulated was noted. It detailed the following:

  1. RMBC updates on Covid-19: Coronavirus and other matters across the Borough.
  2. RMBC weekly traffic reports.
  3. RMBC Planning Applications and decisions across the Borough.
  4. RMBC Licensing applications.
  5. RMBC Consultation on the joint working arrangements with Parish Council
  6. RMBC Consultation on school term dates 2022/23
  7. RMBC - Severe weather warning as storm Christophe approaches and key points from flood briefings
  8. Rotherham Town Centre News
  9. RMBC News from your Neighbourhood
  10. SYPTE – changes to public transport timetables as a result of COVID restrictions
  11. YLCA White Rose updates.
  12. Invitation to join the Rural Market Towns Group
  13. Post Office – services re-opening on Front Street
  14. Residents – concerns over mud on Wood Lane as a result of heavy lorries leaving Jones Homes site.
  15. Resident – enquiry regarding the work of the Parish Council, its assets, financial information and proposals for the land r/o Wood Lane.
  16. Residents – concerns about 4x4 off roading and resultant safety issues and damage caused to the environment
  17. Resident – enquiry of the change of policy to cease sale of pre-paid burial plots

2021/7 Borough Councillors Report

Borough Councillor Walsh reported on the preparedness of RMBC for dealing with 2 simultaneous emergency situations and on the event of needing to do so with the recent flood alert during the current pandemic. He reported that there was no serious flooding in the Borough.

In an update on COVID he reported on funding being made available to small businesses in the Borough and a support scheme to vulnerable residents especially those isolation to help cope with the impact of the pandemic.

He reported that he had received complaints about mud on Wood Lane from the new housing development and encouraged all those with concerns to report them directly to Streetpride to ensure a prompt response.

He advised that the planning application to redevelop the site of the old Youth Enterprise Centre would be coming before the Planning Board in the next few weeks.

He advised that funding from the devolved ward budget would be made available to the community centre for sanitation materials to help it be well positioned to reopen when restrictions allow.

2021/8 Planning & Review of Progress on Projects through 2021

Suggestions for projects and activities from the Parish Council and residents along with a planner for potential actions over the year to move them forward and further opportunities for community engagement were discussed.

It was agreed that whilst COVID restrictions prevent suggestions such gardening and friendship clubs, Easter activities, coach trips taking place it should not halt exploratory work on other potential projects.

Useful contacts were offered by both Parish Councillors and Borough Councillor Walsh and an expression of interest to be involved made from the member of the public present.

It was agreed that:

Councillor Levin would take the lead on community engagement using the village Facebook presence

Councillor Whysall and the Clerk would explore work on memorials in the burial ground.

The Clerk would continue with her enquiries for hanging baskets and seek information from RMBC regarding attachments to street lighting columns with the potential also for Christmas tree/lights in December.

Councillor Pickford would take the lead in exploring the potential for an outdoor gym on the Cowfield.

It was agreed that progress should be reported to the next meeting.

2021/9 Standing Items


  1. Reading Room

The Clerk reported that whilst the new front door is now complete there has been a delay in replacing the door to the store because the contractor is awaiting materials delayed due to COVID restrictions on suppliers. The Chairman advised this was expected to be completed this week.

The Clerk reported that Churches Fire have advised that whilst the fire alarm system is compliant with regulations it does not meet current British Standards. A second sounder and tamper proof fuse at a cost of £376.95 would be required to address this.

Resolved:      To accept this advice and the quote for these additional works.

Proposed:     Councillor Whysall

Seconded:    Councillor Badger

  1. Allotments

           Nothing to report.

  1. Burial Ground
  1. Gates – the Clerk reported that the old gates were damaged last week with several slats falling out, a local resident effected a repair.  The new gates have been delayed due to COVID restrictions making it difficult to source materials and are expected to be installed early February
  2. Damaged seats in the burial ground – the Clerk reported that 2 of the 3 damaged seats have now been removed by families of the deceased just leaving one requiring repair or removal. It is believed that the family have moved out of Treeton, attempts are being made to identify an address however if this is not possible it was agreed to secure a note on the seat asking the family to make contact.
  3. The Clerk reported that in consultation with the Chairman urgent repairs were made to the gravel board wall by the vehicle access gates.

Due to technical problems with the Chairman’s IT Councillor Whysall took over the chairmanship.

  1. Recreation Ground and Play areas

           The Clerk reported that the bottom of the recreation ground is extremely waterlogged and that she understands this has been a long-standing problem and asked for thoughts on              exploring drainage options. that the Clerk explore a repeat of the ‘herringboning’ previously undertaken to address this issue.

  1. Environment

The Clerk reported on complaints by residents over risks of injury and the damage being caused by 4x4 off roading on RMBC land rear of Mill Lane. RMBC have agreed to explore options to restrict unauthorised vehicle access but have raised that resources will be an issue.

Resolved:      That the Parish Council is minded to agree an ‘in principle’ contribution to costs once further details are available from RMBC.

Proposed:     Councillor Badger

Seconded:    Councillor Pickford

Councillor Adair resumed Chairmanship his IT problem having been resolved

The Clerk reported that there has been fly tipping of hedge cuttings and shrubbery on the land r/o Wood Lane

Resolved:      That arrangements be made to remove the fly tipping and that there is an item in the next Newsletter to inform residents of plans for the land and seek their engagement in preventing future re-occurrence

Proposed:     Councillor Whysall

Seconded:    Councillor Badger

The Clerk reported that there are 4 trees on Pit Lane, which are currently at a height where the Parish Council team can either cut them to ground level or cut them to create stands for bird feeding stations and that if they are left they will need a tree surgeon should work on them be required to address any future safety concerns. A decision of the Parish Council was sought.

Resolved:      To cut the trees down leaving stumps to form the base for bird feeding stations

Proposed:     Councillor Cooper

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

  1. Planning Applications

The weekly lists of planning applications and planning decisions in the Borough were circulated by email to all Parish Councillors.

There are no new planning applications in Treeton.

The recent application for a domestic extension was granted conditionally

The Clerk reported that the plans to convert the former Treeton Youth Enterprise Centre into 14 residential apartments have now been amended changing some of the units from 1 bedroom into studios and amending some of the exterior elevations.

The Parish Council’s originally concerns were that the site should not be overdeveloped, it should be a sympathetic restoration, ‘add value’ to the locality and address concerns over the overall condition of the site. The amendments do not appear to have addressed these concerns and local residents remain similarly concerned.

The matter was discussed at length with helpful input from Borough Councillor Walsh

Resolved:      That the Parish Council advise Planning that their original concerns have not been sufficiently addressed by the amendments to the application. That whilst welcoming an application that develops a derelict site, they have outstanding concerns in particular around parking and that the proposals do not address the impact of unsightly 1980’s extensions and additions to a 19th century building that lies within a conservation area.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Cooper

2021/10 Report from Representatives on External Bodies

  1. RMBC/Parish Council’s Liaison Committee

The Chairman reported that current advice is that the local elections in May are planned to proceed.

  1. YLCA Branch Representatives

Nothing to report.

  1. Treeton Youth Club

The Chairman reported that there is no change from the position reported in December and that as part of the current lockdown the youth club remains paused.

  1. Community Centre & Playing Fields Memorial Committee

The Chairman advised that the committee had not met recently due to COVID restrictions.

2021/11 Community Centre

The Chairman reported that regrettably the health walk and packed lunch project was paused due to COVID travel restrictions however that work is continuing with the Alzheimer’s/Dementia Good Buddies scheme and activity packs.

He further reported that the defibrillator was needed in December and that this had now been sanitised and checked back into use.

2021/12 Chairman’s Review

The Chairman reported further on the memorial plaque to PO Edwards and his extensive but sadly fruitless attempts to find information on the original plaque.

He expressed concern over ongoing acts of mindless vandalism and referenced the theft of Christmas decorations in Brinsworth.

The Chairman thanked the group of residents behind the ‘Santa’s sleigh’ drive through the village giving small gifts to children which was a particular challenge with social distancing however was very well received. He also thanked the monthly litter pick team, two residents one of which cleared snow and the other repaired the damaged burial ground gates and to Councillor Pickford for his clear up work on Treeton Lane/Treeton Flash.

He completed his report by adding that he was very much looking forward to work developing the land r/o Wood Lane for community benefit that was taken earlier in the agenda when restrictions permit and repeated his frustrations at the delay.

2021/13 Finance and General Purposes


  1. Risk Assessments

           The Clerk presented a Health & Safety Policy and risk assessments for the Reading Room including fire, the burial ground, the recreation ground, the allotments and for staffing                lone working/violence at work, litter picking, manual handing and for Caretaker/Handyperson Cleaning duties, and Handyperson/Footpaths, Hedges & Gardening duties

           Resolved:     That the Health and Safety Policy and risk assessments are adopted, that any outstanding actions are completed as soon as possible including securing a qualified person to complete the 5 years hard wire and portable appliance tests and that the policy and risk assessments should be reviewed annually.

            Proposed:     Councillor Whysall

            Seconded:    Councillor Cooper

  1. Detailed budget for 2021/22

The agreed precept of £56,000 gives a Band D Parish Council tax of £64.24 for 2021/22, an increase of 1p over the 2020/21 tax of £64.23 due to a small reduction in the Council tax base which is 871.69. On the basis of this precept a detailed budget for 2021/22 was present by the Clerk.

Resolved:      That subject to the figures identified for spend on projects being agreed individually by the Parish Council as they progress that the budget be accepted

                          Proposed:     Councillor Badger

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

  1. Budget Monitoring & Approval of Accounts for Payment

The Clerk outlined the accounts to date, presented a monitoring statement of expenditure against budget and an up-to-date financial statement of the Parish Council’s affairs. These were noted.

The following accounts were approved for payment.

Receipts                                                                                                              £

GE Foers - Burials




Cambridge Building Society - interest




Storrs – Allotment Rent




RMBC – refund of grounds maintenance charge














Staff Salaries & expenses January

Bank Transfer


Opus Energy - Gas Dec 2020

Direct Debit


Opus Energy – Electricity Dec 2020

Direct Debit


Fowler Sandford -Ground Rent

Bank Transfer


RMBC - Grave digging fees

Bank Transfer


Northern Garden Machinery – Mower Servicing

Direct Debit


Guardian Construction – Repairs to wall

Bank Transfer


Churches Fire - Extinguishers

Bank Transfer


Petty Cash – milk

Bank Transfer


Bliss Internet –No charge in lieu of ad in Newsletters                  

Bank Transfer





Proposed:  Councillor Badger

Seconded: Councillor Whysall

Bank & Cash Book Reconciliation

16th December 2020


Balances at bank:    Current account      17,790.39

                               Instant account        58,131.39

Cambridge Building Society                    60,000.00

Total                                                    135,921.78

2021/14 Any Other Urgent Business

  1. Councillor Levin raised concerns over a gap in street lighting on the corner of Worrall Avenue as it leads to Treetown Crescent given rise to fears over public safety, it was agreed that the Clerk should write to RMBC requesting an additional street light be located at this point.

2021/15 Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was arranged for Monday 22nd February 2021

The meeting closed at 8.50pm

